Vital Academy

Welcome to Vital Academy!
Vital Academy is a faith-based homeschool support group based out of Vital Church in Oviedo, FL. We are an active group, with many events and activities planned throughout the school year. We have weekly park days, monthly field trips, and special events planned throughout the year.
It is up to each family how active they choose to be. All of our events and activities are posted on our member-only calendar. We have an annual family registration fee of $70. You can register with Vital Academy anytime throughout the school year.

Class Registration
Vital Academy’s co-op is parent-led; a CO-OPerative effort by everyone involved to offer enrichment classes to all of our students. It takes a strong commitment on your part to join our co-op. Every parent is required to volunteer as either a helper or teacher in order for your students to participate in any classes we offer. The classes we are able to offer depend completely on what the parents are willing to teach. Examples of past classes include Ballet, Karate, STEM, Munchable Math, Spanish, Digital Photography, Volleyball, Medieval Times and so much more. Class offerings change with each semester, depending on what our parents would like to teach.
Classes are held at Vital Church in Oviedo for 8 weeks in the Fall and 8 weeks in the Spring. We meet on Friday mornings during the semester. Our classes are one hour long, and at this time we offer two hours of classes to choose from. We ask that any family who participates in Co-op to sign up for both hours of classes to help with the organization process.
In addition to parents serving as a teacher or a helper (you will never be required to teach, but please do keep in mind the more parents who teach = the more classes we can offer to our students), parents will be placed on a rotation to be the “back up helper” 1-2 times per semester as well as assigned to an area to clean up after co-op is over. All of this information will be finalized after registration closes and given to those participating in co-op. Keep an eye out on the calendar for registration to open.
Vital Academy is a faith-based group. All of our co-op classes are taught from a Christian perspective. Your students may read the Bible and pray in any of their classes. This will not apply to some classes, but there are some that you can expect this each Friday. We are representatives of Christ not only in our homes, at events, and elsewhere; but also at Co-op. All parents will be held to Christ-like standards in and out of the classroom and expected to represent Christ in their tones, words, and actions with students as well as other parents while on campus, and at all other events and activities as well.
Celebrate Simple
Florida Statutes
Confessions of a Homeschooler
Florida High School Athletics Association
Vital Academy Facebook Page
Vital Academy’s co-op is parent-led; a CO-OPerative effort by everyone involved to offer enrichment classes to all of our students. It takes a strong commitment on your part to join our co-op. Every parent is required to volunteer as either a helper or teacher in order for your students to participate in any classes we offer. The classes we are able to offer depend completely on what the parents are willing to teach. Examples of past classes include Ballet, Karate, STEM, Munchable Math, Spanish, Digital Photography, Volleyball, Medieval Times and so much more. Class offerings change with each semester, depending on what our parents would like to teach.
Classes are held at Vital Church in Oviedo for 8 weeks in the Fall and 8 weeks in the Spring. We meet on Friday mornings during the semester. Our classes are one hour long, and at this time we offer two hours of classes to choose from. We ask that any family who participates in Co-op to sign up for both hours of classes to help with the organization process.
In addition to parents serving as a teacher or a helper (you will never be required to teach, but please do keep in mind the more parents who teach = the more classes we can offer to our students), parents will be placed on a rotation to be the “back up helper” 1-2 times per semester as well as assigned to an area to clean up after co-op is over. All of this information will be finalized after registration closes and given to those participating in co-op. Keep an eye out on the calendar for registration to open.
Our co-op is only open to current members of Vital Academy. You must be a member of our group in order for your family to join co-op. Every member of Vital Academy is not a part of our co-op; it is up to each family if they’d like to join or not. Registration for each semester of Co-op takes place in January for Spring semester and August for Fall semester. Classes cost $10 per student per class, that covers the entire semester. This $10 is given to the teachers as their budget for the semester. Our teachers are not paid above this budget, it is a volunteer role.
INTERESTED IN JOINING OUR CO-OP? AFTER you’ve joined Vital Academy (requested membership, paid the $70 and received an email confirming you’re approved), you can let us know you’re interested in joining our co-op here:
In addition to serving as either a helper or teacher during the entire semester, parents are also put on our backup helper rotation as well as our cleaning schedule. Each of us are to make sure our assigned area of the church is clean before leaving for the day. With everyone involved, cleaning should take a maximum of 10 minutes after class each Friday. You should only need to serve 1-2 times the entire semester for our back up helper rotation, but we do ask that you be available to serve both hours of co-op on your scheduled day. Days that you are not scheduled on the rotation, you are only required to serve the one hour.
Your first step is to become a member of Vital Academy. You’ll need to click on REQUEST MEMBERSHIP on the home page. Once you’ve joined and are approved, you’ll be able to see a list of available classes in our members-only section, “CLASS REGISTRATION”.
IMPORTANT!!! The co-op is limited due to space restraints. Just because you become a member of Vital Academy does NOT guarantee your family a spot in the co-op. When spots become available, current members have the option to join the co-op.